24 July 2010

The Shoemaker's Children

Would you hire someone to do your internet marketing who doesn't have a web site?  Would you hire someone who wants to do your social media marketing who doesn't seem to tweet much?  This is the classic case of the shoemakers children not having any shoes, or more like the shoemaker going barefoot!

What have I been doing?  I am making shoes for other people.  I am doing the work I want to do for my next career.  I am helping small businesses to improve their internet presence and evangelizing about the need to change the way they are marketing their businesses- magnets vs. bullhorn. 

Want to see some of my work?  Wonder what it looks like?

Here are some of the businesses that I am working with:

fifty south
Laurel Siegel
Lolo's Sweets
Spirer Jewelers
Medford Farmers Market
World Computer Exchange

The work includes consulting on updating web sites, new website design, ghost Facebook and Twitter posts, customer loyalty programs, search engine optimization, writing new content, and html programming.

I am grateful to each of the businesses for their willingness to try new things on the internet, even when it is not perfectly clear to them what it all means.  In some cases it is a leap of faith in me and what I can do for them. It is greatly appreciated.

One of my favorite work sessions happened last week.  Conference call with accomplished Web Designer, Paul Chessare, and Restauranteur, Kim Klopstock.  Sensitive critiques, good creative ideas bounced around, great team work, and in the end a list of action items for the next step in the process.  Each person bringing their skill set to the table, and the whole is definitely bigger than the sum of the parts.  I like working like that!

But pretty soon, I need to start making shoes for myself.  Need to put the leather to the pavement.  So keep me in mind when you hear of new business opportunities, and I'll keep you posted on my "new shoes".

Blues skies!
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