05 March 2010

So Long St. Lucia

Well, it is our last day in St. Lucia.  The temp in NY is expected to peak at 45.  The temp in St. Lucia at 95.

We have managed to settle into an island rhythm and community in just 10 days.  Here are the characters we interact with regularly but whom we will likely never see again:

House Owner- 50-something German expat since 30 years.  Lives with 3 smelly dogs and 3 cats that don't want to be pet, feeds the birds fresh fruit every morning on the porch railing so they won't come in the house.  They hop to the table for crumbs anyway.  Everyone in “the South” knows of her.

House Keeper- local woman of a certain age who has worked for House Owner for 21 years.  Sparkle in her eye and a bright smile.  Patience with the House Owner is as deep as a well.   One guest thought she was deaf...Has four grown children, one on scholarship in Louisiana.   House Owner tells us she pays her 400EC/mo.  House Keeper is the only person she can trust with her house.

Gardener-younger local man who talks to himself all day or anyone who holds still long enough.  Has deformed toes.  House Owner swears that he drinks from her liquor cabinet and doesn't think he has a any common sense.  He works all day long.  If you want to pass where he is working he says “Don't worry, be happy” with a smile.

Real Estate Agent- Korean-born, 35, from NYC, upper West side, traveled here alone to kite board.  Wants a taxi driver who is available whenever she needs one.  Comes to the common living room with a Korean facial mask on.  Smokes when she drinks and wonders if she really needs to conserve water while there is a drought on the island.  Got into a shouting match with a taxi driver.

NJ transplant- 41 year old who also traveled here alone to kite board.  Very funny Seinfeld sort of humor.  Wonders where is the best place to meet women.  Had a date with a woman before he came down here.  He seemed glad she sent an email afterwards.  Thinks Dr. Morrow has been at work in St. Lucia.  Quotes from movies and changes topics like a hummingbird changes direction.  Every minute is filled.

German Traveler-spunky 50-something, hitchhikes when she want to travel around, didn't like where she was staying so talked to expats on the beach and found another house.  With the drought, the new house has no water.  She goes in the garden.  Doesn't like too much sun so sits in the shade and covers up with colorful wraps and hats.  Has a bad back so brought her own beach chair from Germany that she is comfortable in.  Reads Graham Greens stories of Haiti.  She volunteered there many years ago.  Advocate for identifying bright children in early childhood.

Birthday girl- 41 year old local woman.  Is a cook at the airport, used to cook at the Reef.  Was enjoying her birthday a little tipsy, hips gyrating all around the bar.  We took pictures together and promised to send them.  Her daughter wrote the address for us.  She promised to call in a few weeks.

Big Mamma-local woman who was sitting at a roadside lookout point with a table of wares, listening to a Christian radio station.  Recommended 2 places for lunch in Soufriere.  Sold us spiced rum that didn't have any rum in it and that we found later selling for ½ the price in town.  Reminds me of a Flannery O'Connor story.

We met many more wonderful people, all of whom helped to make our stay in St. Lucia memorable. 
We are glad to be leaving, sorry to be leaving.

More pics on Facebook.  Need to figure out how to link them to the blog posting to make it easier.  or how to upload the photos via picassa/google and put a link in.

Blue skies,
Susan (aka A. Maupin) on the road again

1 comment:

  1. Great fun to read. See you soon. Jan Allex


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