04 August 2010

Good Grace-ous!

It has been one month since we got Grace.  We are all still adjusting to a new life style.  One where I have to be aware of how long it has been since the dog went to the bathroom.  Does she need to go out again?  One where I keep looking around to see where she is.  Did she run down the street again?  One where we reinforce everything with food and a pat on the head.  One where I have to wonder who will be home when so that there is someone to watch Grace or let her out.  One where I wonder if we played with her enough today, did she have enough socialization, enough training?

On my!  This is like being a new parent all over again!  There are "accessories" - toys, leashes, collars, toys, name tags, nail clippers, toys, wet brushes, dry brushes, toys, rawhide, treats, dry food, wet food, biscuits, toys, "high value treats", portable gates, a large dog crate, toys, bedding, dog dishes, water bottles, toys, training pads, and more toys.  I went to visit my mother last weekend.  I had one small overnight bag.  The rest of the car was filled with things for Grace!

Since being on an antibiotic for an infection, she rarely has an accident in the house, and I don't have to take her into the backyard at 4am anymore, but I still keep track of when was the last time she went to the bathroom.  I don't have to use a timer anymore to remind me to take her out though.

Going to a lake for the day required a separate bag for Grace.  We got very lucky because the people at the table next to us had a dog that liked to play as much as Grace does.  They entertained each other all day!  Just like we used to do with kids!  Lots of paraphernalia and bring a friend along.

Last night she had her first "playdate".  OMG.  I can't believe I've taken my dog on a playdate!  Someone from her obedience class invited her over...I don't recall taking B on a playdate...but here I am with a dog that gets invited out!  I do remember wondering, when B was little, if he was getting enough stimulation.  Now I wonder if Grace is. 

Just like when B was a new baby, and I sometimes I felt as if I was doing all the "work" and his father got to take him out to show him off; I feel it sometimes now.  I do all the work and the worrying, and vet appointments and everyone else gets to pet her and take pride in her.  I can't let myself get too carried away by that feeling!

And just like taking a new baby out in a stroller, when I take Grace for a walk, we meet people who stop and tell me how pretty she is, and wonder how old she is, and how big she will get.  I respond to their questions with pride and add more details about how smart she is, how wary she is of loud sounds and many people.  I hardly recognize myself!

With Grace's arrival in our house, I remember how hard the first months of parenthood were as if they were yesterday, and how with each passing day it got easier and more fun.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that Grace progresses towards being a great dog, that Jeff comes to like dogs a little more, that Eleanor doesn't think dogs are quite so stupid, that Skittles learns to tolerate the dog and that B and I can be a kind, caring trainers.  No small order!

Blue skies!

1 comment:

  1. I have no doubt that you are the dog trainer extraordinaire. Mad thinks dogs are stupid, too. Maybe it's a Smith thang! (or not.) I cannot wait to meet Princess Grace. Hugs all around. Watch the mailbox.


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