14 February 2010

Early bird gets the worm

It is 6:30am, I have been awake since 5:00 and up since 5:30.  I love this time of day.  The quiet before anyone else gets up, enjoying a cup of coffee with the space to think in long streams of consciousness.

Here are a few threads:
Pictures from the last few days:
Here we are at the Ice Hotel.  Sort of touristy and sort of amazing!  More of the photos from the Ice Hotel will be on my facebook page.

We visited the Basilica of Ste-Anne-du- Beaupre where a Pee-Wee hockey team was in the gift shop and the coach bought 23 small plastic bottles for holy water.  The boys crowded around the holy water dispenser.   Luckily I took a picture of the church...

and what amazed me the most of what we've seen over the past few days is the ice on the river!!  The power of the water and the ice reminds me to be humble.  In some spots around the Ile d'Orleans the huge chunks of ice were nearly in people's front yards!  How do they live so close to the water?

and yet the ice can be made into something as stunning and familiar as this...
I learned during the tour of the hotel that if water is frozen without air in it, your tongue will not stick to it!  that is how they can serve drinks in glasses made from ice!

New stream- one of the things that we have wrestled with is what should we do each day?  When there is no need to live by the clock nor by the day (Mon-Fri vs weekend), nor by the expectations...does it matter if we don't go site seeing every day?  Do we have to be out of the house by 10am?  Why don't we stay up all night long?  Are we wasting our precious time?   I still feel the need for a plan even if we are just planning to not do anything.   Maybe this will change over time.  I drifted off to sleep last night thinking, "We have to firm up our plans for Morocco".

And last stream before my bum gets too sore...
I wonder about "luck" and how things have lined up so perfectly for us, and how they continue to do so.  In things as small as the day we decide to drive to tour the Ile d'Orleans the temps dip down and the wind picks up making it uncomfortable to be outside and the day we decide to go skiing the temps are perfect, the sky is blue and not too many people have the same idea!  The day we want to walk around Quebec it is very comfortable outside and the sun is shining.  And with bigger things:  We want to go away for a few months and someone wants to rent our house for just the same amount of time.  We have been lucky!

and the skies are blue!

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are great! I wonder how long it will take you to get to the point where the plan is not mandatory-that's one of the things that is part and parcel of your DNA. I, on the other hand, would still be sitting in the first motel saying, "Well, we COULD go somewhere else!" Loving the travelogue.


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